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he tu中文是什么意思

用"he tu"造句"he tu"怎么读"he tu" in a sentence


  • 一本河图


  • Having deeply pondered upon and systematically studied the image - numberology prevalent in the han dynasty , the lore of he tu ( river diagram ) and luo shu ( luo chart ) prevailing the song dynasty , and philology of the yi in the qing dynasty , he raised some inspiring views , representing an inclination stressing both the image - number and philosophical connotations
    他对汉代象数易学、宋代“图” “书”易学以及清代的易学著述等都做过深入思考和系统研究,提出了一些具有启发意义的学术见解,体现了象数、义理并重的治《易》倾向。
用"he tu"造句  
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